


How can an all powerful and loving God allow people to suffer?…  Doesn’t faith contradict reason?…  Is living a good life enough?…  History in the New Testament…  I realised that God cares for me…  Don’t all religions lead to God?…  There was nothing left worth living for…  I was questioning certain stories in the Bible…  Is there evidence for the existence of God?…  Was the resurrection a miracle?…   What do you think heaven is like?…  Does Jesus make you angry?…  A tale of 2 sons…  The crucifixion…  Burn your plastic Jesus… I couldn’t understand what was special about Jesus…  Look who’s coming to dinner…  I dismissed Jesus along with boring church services…  Isn’t Christianity like believing in the tooth fairy?…  What would meeting Jesus be like?…  Christianity was a bit like Father Christmas—you grow out of it…  Can I have meaning in life without God?…  No God.  No good?…  Jesus knew he was going to die…  Luke wrote his book to tell his friend about Jesus…

Anything there interest you?

Join us for 6 sessions after Easter.  If you’re keen, get in touch and we’ll find a time that suits you.  Let us know 01255 675997, mdjholdaway@gmail.com

Or see for yourself at www.uncover.org.uk