
We now provide an audio recording of our Sunday Sermons. They are still easily accessed through our Youtube Channel.

Click on the Bible Passage to go straight to the recording.

Sunday 9 FebruaryRomans 2v17-3v8

Sunday 26 JanuaryRomans 1v18-25

Sunday 19 JanuaryRomans 1v8-17

Sunday 12 JanuaryRomans 1v1-17

Sunday 5 JanuaryRomans 8v28-39 Text for the Year

Sunday 29 December Luke 2v21-40

Sunday 15 December1 Peter 1v13-25

Sunday 8 December1 Peter 1v10-12

Sunday 24 NovemberAssisted Dying

Sunday 17 NovemberFollowing Jesus 7 – into the world

Sunday 3 NovemberFollowing Jesus 6 – more and more

Sunday 20 OctoberFollowing Jesus 5 – in our Choices

Sunday 6 OctoberJohn 14v8-21 – Rev. William Taylor